Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week 14 or what should've been Week 14

So I ran 12 miles this week. 12 whole miles, it was not a good week. 12 miles is how many I was supposed to run today alone and instead it is my weekly total. I just seriously lacked motivation this week. And I had family in town and we stayed at a fun water park hotel and I just wore myself out. By the time Saturday rolled around I didn't want to get up early. A Bear had meeting all morning and by the time he got home I had no desire to get ready and run 12 miles in the cold. The weather was awful, just awful and with no treadmill, I just didn't want to do it. I have got to recommit myself for these last 4 weeks. I am just 4 weeks away now, I am getting so close. I have to keep going. I've worked too hard for 14 weeks to give up now and not push myself to the finish. This coming week is my 22 mile run. Its going to be cold this week and some rain, 22 miles is not going to be easy but I can do it. I can make it through. I think I am going to drop my cross train this week so I can keep my legs nice and fresh all week. I need to recommit myself to eating better too. I had a rough weekend, well last two weekends I haven't eaten very good so I need to keep eating healthy and no sugar on the weekends too. I feel like I am aware enough with my body to know what to eat the night before a long run and the morning of. The Gu has been working really well for me. I just need to keep going and take good care of myself. I need to start icing my legs and knees as they have been bothering me some. I can do it, 4 more weeks!

Monday, January 25, 2010

One of those days

Today was one of those days, you know, where everything is just crazy and you end the day exhausted. It started off with Baby C waking up early and me never going back to sleep. Followed by a rough day for the babe. He just couldn't nap very long and never really gave me much of a break. So I head out to go running and at this point, Baby C is wide awake with my husband, and I take Josie. We start out on a cold morning and I'm thinking, "man I did not dress warmly enough." I have been so spoiled with warm weather lately. Then about a quarter of a mile into it Josie spots a rabbit and she's off. Well no big deal right, that happens everyday, several times. Well she some how wrapped her leash around the tire of a SUV in a driveway and got it stuck under there. I climbed under the car, I pulled with everything I had, I could not get it out. I probably made it worse. I tried for about five minutes before realizing it wasn't coming. There were no lights on in the house and I didn't want to wake anyone up so I just grabbed Josie and walked her home. I was so upset when I got back and A Bear was nice enough to tell me to still go out for about 30 minutes. So I settled for a 3 mile jog and got my bearing back. I went back by the house and no one looked awake still and then when I drove by this afternoon the car and leash were gone. I'm not sure exactly what house it is but hopefully I can find the people who live there and see if they know anything about our leash. Days just don't go as well when Josie doesn't get her run and everything. Mondays, mondays, always playing harsh games with me...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week 13

Phew, I made it through week 13, my toughest week so far. I actually did my long 20 mile run yesterday so that we could run in a 5K today. I was tired during the 5K but felt surprisingly well. I mean that doesn't mean that I didn't take a 2 hour nap this afternoon and go to sleep early but it went well. I ran the 20 mile run in about 2 hours and 50 minutes, which meant an 8:27 ish min/mile. I felt good, I really did. I had 3 water breaks and GU stops and that really kept me going. I got thirsty around mile 18 but I'll remember that for next time. I did some hills on this run which was good for me to do and get some practice in. The weather was fabulous and so that helped a ton. I was so happy to get it done because the weather today has not been so great. My weekly total is 40 miles! That is a big jump since I usually only do about 30 a week. I tried to stretch out for awhile on Friday and today so hopefully that will help with the tired muscles. I can't believe I made it through the 20 mile run, it just hung over me all week. It is so nice to have it done with. I can do 6 more miles right? Its just 6 miles, after 20 it shouldn't be that bad. It will be nice to have a recovery week to look forward to get back into it. In two weeks I'm scheduled for a 22 mile run. I'm not sure if I'll do the whole thing but we'll see. I am getting ready for this thing to come!
Today we ran a 5K benefit run and had such a fun time. A Bear did great and ran the whole thing. He really enjoyed it and is talking about running another one at my marathon and doing a triathlon this summer. It is fun to see him excited about it and it makes me more excited about my marathon thinking that he will be working hard for a race the same day. We figure he can still come and meet me several times during the race and run the 5K. I feel so guilty that we didn't take Josie with us on the run, she would've loved it and been the most in shape dog there, but we were worried she would go crazy with all the people. We could tell that she could smell the betrayal on us when we got home. I thought we would push Baby C in the stroller but my mom ended up keeping him for us. It was fun to having a running partner and to race each other to the finish line. I could get used to this...very used to this. :) 5 weeks to go!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You'd think I've learned my lesson

...but I haven't. Double knot your shoes,double knot your shoes. It takes two extra seconds and its not like it affects my running or the shoe. But yet this morning when I was tying my shoes I thought I'll just regular knot and low and behold what should happen. You guessed it, my right shoe came untied on my last mile repeat. I was about half a mile done with that 4th mile when I noticed it, shake it off I told myself. Then it got looser and looser, I can see the quarter mile mark approaching...I have to stop. Stop the watch, loose my pace, tie the shoe. It was fine and I actually ended up finishing that last mile in 7:45. I tried to run 8 min/mile and felt good. I did a quarter mile recovery in between but I felt ready to go again. Its nice to know that I can maintain this distance. Next week I think I'll go back to to 2 mile repeats and try and keep up the 8 min pace for 2 miles. But it was a good run this morning and the warm weather makes it so much more bearable. But I still just keep thinking every day, 20 miles this week, 20 miles this week. I think about it when I wake up, I think about it when I go to sleep, I just have to keep telling myself I can do it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week 12

Another week come and gone and now I have my 20 mile run hanging over me for this coming week. I finished the week today with a 15 mile run. I had planned on only running 13 and doing so at a slow pace since I was still coming back from my sickness. I did the first 6 miles with Josie. She did well and seemed to be running good. I normally don't run more than 5 miles with her so she was pretty worn out by the end but she did great. I then dropped her off, went to the bathroom, drank some water, and downed a chocolate Gu. Oh my goodness, thank you chocolate Gu, you are so much better than vanilla. It was a much needed boost and then I was feeling great for the next 9 miles. I decided to run the extra 2 because I was feeling good and I didn't do a long run last week and then when I i turned around at 4.5 miles I knew why I was feeling so good :), wind to my back. The return trip was not quite as enjoyable, but a few things helped out. 1- I was listening to new music, 2- I knew I had to get back to my husband who was waiting to go to the gym, 3- I had talked for a couple of minutes at a stoplight with a Boston man which gave me motivation. I did those last 9 miles at an 8:30/mile pace, so it was a good run for me. That finishes out my week at 27. I still haven't crossed that 30 mile mark for the week so this week should do it. Well 6 weeks and counting, I am really getting ready to get this marathon training over with...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Snooze button please

Uh I had the hardest time waking up today. I was up for what felt like, all night with baby C and it wasn't until after he was back in his own crib at 4 AM that I finally fell into a good sleep. I had forgotten that I accidently hit the snooze button on my phone yesterday and then turned it off so it wouldn't go off again. I forgot to reset my alarm and it didn't go off this morning. Luckily I have my dog alarm, Josie, who woke me up around 6:45. I ignored her thinking it must be like 6 since my alarm hadn't gone off. Then when I connected all the dots it was already 7. I didn't think I would have time to go running and though I would just go when A Bear got home from work but then I just knew that would never happen. So I shot out of bed and got ready as fast as I could. I figured i would only have about 15 or 20 mins to run but A Bear was nice enough to say he could leave for work a little late giving me my full 30 minute run. I was glad, but I Felt just awfu. I was slow, Josie was slow, we just never got into a good groove. I think we both need some serious naps today. Not to mention, I really need to rest up for my long run tomorrow since I haven't been on one in two and a half weeks. Whoops.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Run with the Jogging Stroller

So what would you choose? Below freezing temperature, rising early, bundling up, leaving your sweet baby and hot husband in a warm bed; or gorgeous weather, short sleeve shirt, and running with your tiny baby sleeping right in front of you??? Easy for me to decide. I took advantage of the unusually warm weather today and ran with my brand new jogging stroller. It worked great, definitely more a work out and I wasn't keeping a fast pace but it was great. Baby C slept the whole time and the stroller worked out great. It also felt so nice to just get out and run again after being sick. I felt good and enjoyed the sunshine. So tomorrow its supposed to rain and be cold and I need to get up early before my husband leaves for work, but it made me excited about the days in the future when I don't have a marathon to train for and I can just enjoy my runs in the nice weather with my baby. So I hope I can pull through this week and stick with it, I need to make up for some lost time.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Week 11

Oh week 11, you started out okay, got colder and colder, and ended up not so great. The cold weather and sickness running around caught up with me by Friday and on Saturday I was in no shape for 18 miles. I did manage to do 6 and half or so on a treadmill but I didn't feel good during the run and I felt awful after. Friday morning I woke up with a bit of a sore throat and decided I could still do my 3 mile run outside (since I had already cross trained 2 days this week). Probably not a good idea with the wind chill making it feel in the negative degrees. I bundled up and felt okay everywhere there were layers but my face got so cold and my throat burned the rest of the day and weekend. I am still recovering some from the illness and won't run today. I'm hoping to be able to go out and do a run tomorrow morning. Luckily this is a recovery week for me according to my schedule and while I didn't do my 18 mile run this week, I did get a 17 miler in last week so hopefully my training won't suffer horribly. I think I will stick to my plan and just do 13 this Saturday, maybe 15 if I feel like it because next week I have that 20 mile run looming over my head. So this week I only ran 18 miles, less miles than even week 1 of training. I guess it happens to us all. I'm just ready to put this week behind me and focus on the next 7!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back to Normal, whatever that is...

I have been having a hard time adjusting back to our normal schedules this week. So has Baby C but we are making it through. I finally feel like today the house is in order and I'm not overwhelmed about needing to get anything done. It has been hard to wake up early in the morning and leave my nice, warm bed. Plus with all the waking up at night and the little early riser we have this week it has made it even tougher. And lets talk about unbelievably cold weather! With the wind chill we are in the negative degrees. How am I supposed to work with this? The treadmill is not an option for me since, well, I don't have one but man I have a feeling tomorrow morning I am going to really wish that I did. You can only wear so many layers. I have cross trained 2 x this week already. I did get my run in on Monday morning and it went well. I hadn't run since last Thursday so I felt a little slow but it went well and then yesterday I did 5 miles. Josie has been fast but there seems to be way more rabbits out and about lately. It felt good to do some strength training these 2 x this week but I know I've got to brave the cold and get out there. When I was feeding Baby C this morning at like 1 I could just hear the wind howling, daring me to come outside. I have a big run this Saturday, I'm supposed to do 18 miles and I am hoping that it won't be too horribly cold.... I guess I could switch my runs and do less this week and more next week. I don't think that is a good idea though since I have a 20 mile run the week after that. I need to go and get back on and see if they have any better news than they did a few hours ago. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Week 10

I spent this entire week running in Arkansas while we were visiting A Bear's family. Now I absolutely love running in Arkansas, it is just so beautiful and so nice to switch things up. It was also good for to get some hills in since Texas is so darn flat. On Monday I ran 4 miles just aroun the neighborhood. I took Josie and let her run without her leash for awhile. She ran all through the stream and puddles and was so measy when we got back but she had a great time. I was really tired because it had been such a rough night with Baby C, he has a cold. On Tuesday I did my speedwork around the lake and it worked out perfect. I did 2 mile repeats and felt great. On Wednesday I did a quick about 2-3 mile run just aroun the neighborhood with Josie again but was so busy that day I didn't have much time. Plus I wanted to keep it short because I decided to do my long run on Thursday. It was just such a busy rest of the week with traveling back to Texas on Friday and then we spent the night with my parents on Friday night, so it just worked out best to do it on Thursday. I'm so glad that I did. It was an amazing run. My best one yet. I just felt so great and loved running in Maumelle. I did a few big hills and felt good, I just couldtell that I was keeping really good pace. I had water at various locations and had 2 GU packets which I thought made a big difference. They really gave me a boost when I needed them. I also had the sport jelly beans, which were so tasty and I munched on at the start of my run. I ended up doing 16 miles at about an 8:10 min/mile pace. It was a great day and I didn't even feel tired the rest of the day. I also didn't get sore really at all. I mean I had tired legs but I refueled well, and streched out for about 15 minutes after I got back and I think it made a big difference. It made me feel like I could really do this whole marathon thing. :) I didn't run Thursday or Friday and that brought my weekly total to 29. 10 weeks down 8 to go!