Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From chocolate milk to hot chocolate

So the cold weather is finally starting to creep its way in here. I think I might be saying goodbye to the unbelievable running weather we have had lately. But the exciting part of the colder weather is, I finally got to try out my new running pants. I got the Nike Cold Weather Pants. They are last year's model and I really like them. They are super comfortable. I always feel in between sizes and went with the bigger size this time so they are a little baggy but that's okay. When I went running this morning it was pretty windy and my little hands were so cold, but my legs were nice and toasty. I did a quick 4 miles this morning without Josie. She was distracted playing in the backyard and I was in a hurry and so I left her behind. Well lets just say she isn't going to let that happen again. She has been following me right by my side all morning. I'm also convinced that I run a little faster in the cold weather, just because I'm anxious to get back home.

Saturday's run went well. I did 6 miles at about an 8.5 min/mile pace. I ended up just staying in the neighborhood and when I got back the husband left for a run too. The weather was just too good to work out inside. He is going to try and do some running now which is very exciting. I mean of course I have dreams of us going on runs together, one of us pushing a jogging stroller. Maybe someday...

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