Saturday, November 7, 2009

Another Week

This week of runs went well. I felt good on all of my early morning runs and kept good pace. Daylight savings has been fabulous for running early. It is so nice to not be in the dark and to see the sun rising. I love passing all of the kids out waiting for the school bus. Josie was pretty well behaved and is getting better and better at not chasing people and rabbits. Then Saturday, long day, 9 miles came. 9 is the fartherst I have gone post baby. I was kinda nervous but I have done 8 a few times, including last week and thought I would be okay. I got up and ready to go and then there was a complication with me and the hubby's schedule. (Golf is a rare treat for my love) So I had to wait until late afternoon to go. By then I was feeling sluggish and in no mood to run. I thought about not going but I knew if I could just get started I would be okay. I ran the first 3.5 with Josie and she was kinda messing me up getting into a true rythmn. Hubby met me to pick her up and bring me water. Then it was awesome. I found my pace, the weather was unbelievably perfect for running. On the way back the wind was with me and it was fabulous. I made great time and actually ended up going almost 10 miles becaues I missed the turn around street. And the best part is, I felt great at the end. I was tired that night but rested on Sunday and felt good this morning. I almost got in the car with Aaron at 3.5 miles and I would've missed an awesome run. I felt like I could do it, ya know, I can train for this marathon. I streched out for a long time after the run and was in a great mood the rest of the night. It is just the most amazing thing how much running affects my mood. I was in the worst mood all day before I ran and then I was like a different person after. I love the road, me, and my Ipod - and I'm complete.

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