Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day of Rest

I'm resting today and I'll be honest, its hard to rest. It was hard to not get up and go running this morning. Its not just about the run but about how it makes me feel the rest of the day. Its just my favorite way of getting the day started and helps me be in a better, more productive mood all day long. So after my alarm went off this morning, I just lay in bed (with a sweet little boy cuddled up next to me) thinking about how I have to stay in bed. I did that for about 15 or 20 minutes until my little one woke up for the day. I had to keep telling myself I needed to rest today even though my whole body was asking for a run. Not to mention my little running partner laying at my bedside waiting to get out there. But it will be worth it to have fresh legs for the marathon. Oh my gosh, that marathon, two days away...crazy!

I had a dream last night that we were late to the marathon. It was very, very similar to when we were late to our cruise. I woke up plenty early but A Bear wanted to play cards before we left so we played a few games and then I realized we were going to be late. I was running around trying to figure out what to wear and get dressed and I was trying to get help but no one would help me. It was a really weird dream. I think I'm just nervous and thinking about it way too much.

But yesterday I bought some new tunes and right now I am putting them on my newly fixed Ipod. I hope this helps, I am excited to have some new music to listen to. Tomorrow I am going to make a list of everything I need and get it all packed up. I just can't believe it. I'm getting so close.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Final Countdown

Is it really Tuesday, I mean am I really running this Saturday?? I can't believe the marathon is just days away. I feel like every time I talk to anyone they are asking me if I'm ready. Um...not sure, I don't know, is it too late to back out? Today I went out for a cold and windy 3 mile jog. I just keep praying for no wind on Saturday. The forecast grows bleaker with every passing day. Its gone from sunny to partly cloudy, to mostly cloudy. From high of 60 to 55 to low 50s. I can handle the cold, I can, I just can't do the wind like my 22 mile run. I guess there are lots of turns so if it is windy you are never actually into the wind for very long before you turn again. I guess that is comforting. Just make the final 4 miles downhill and with the wind, is that too much to ask for? I feel good, I'm trying to get as much rest as I can and get everything done during the week that I need to do this weekend. I am making meals ahead of time and getting the house clean, laundry done, etc. Josie was good this morning, better than yesterday, she has just seemed so tired lately. I hope we are feeding her enough.

The plan is to do maybe 4 miles tomorrow and 3 on Thursday. I might go out for a short jog on Friday and then its game time. 4 days away, just 4 little days.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 17

The last week before the final week. :) It was as pretty laid back week that ended well. I ran 26 miles this week finished off with an 8 mile run today. It was a good run, the first four miles I ran with Josie and she was kinda sluggish. It made it hard for me to get my pace going. So the last 4 I ran by myself at about a 7:50 min/mile pace. I felt good and it was nice to feel like I could push myself a little running since I was only going 8 miles. I just can't believe a week from today I will be running 26.2 miles. It is crazy, I just don't know if I'm ready. I mean I know I am ready to be done but is my body going to make it? I am planning on just having a pretty easy next week and just getting myself ready. I want to try and eat real good and get plenty of rest at night. Hopefully Baby C will cooperate with that. A Bear is getting ready for his 5 K and we're just both excited to be a part of the race.

The weather was pretty warm today. I ended up stopping by the house and changing into some shorts and a lighter shirt because I got so hot. It has made me think about how I will layer for the marathon. I think it will be much cooler that day but the weather can change a lot in 4 hours. But I think I have most things ready. I have my GUs, the clothes, arrangements made for the baby, I just need to get it all together.

Well 17 weeks down, just more to go!

Friday, February 19, 2010


We have had the sunniest past two days. It has been so nice to go out and run in the sunshine with the jogging stroller. Today I actually ran in shorts! Not bad for February. I was supposed to cross train today but I just couldn' t justify wasting a perfectly beautiful day working out inside. Plus tomorrow should be cloudy anyway. And today was especially wonderful because my whole family went running. I pushed baby C in the stroller and A Bear ran with Josie. It was so nice and so fun to have us all running together. It was so nice to just be running, not worrying about time and going a little slower these past few days with the stroller and just feeling good. Baby C loves to be in the stroller and enjoys looking at the all the houses. He especially loves when he can leave his head back and see me and smile. He was "talking" so loud while we were running it made me laugh. It just makes me so happy to bring two great loves in my life together. Family and running is a great combination. A Bear is getting into such good shape and ordered a new pair of running shoes that he is very excited about.

It has been so nice to think that this Saturday I only have to run 8 miles. I just keep thinking about all the extra time I am going to have and how I don't have to worry as much about what I eat and when I wake up and when I got bed, etc. etc. I can't believe its my last Saturday run before the big day. I checked out the weather forecast and for now, it is sunny for Saturday. Cloudy and rainy before and after Saturday but Saturday holds strong for now. I'll be checking everyday for an update. I sure hope that sunshine stays though.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Some days you just gotta run

This is how I felt today. I just had to get out. It wasn't convenient, it wasn't the weather, it wasn't a good time but I just needed to go. The day started out innocent enough. A Bear was supposed to be working from home since he just needed to file some forms today so when baby C woke up early I just decided to let him sleep in figuring I could just go running later. So when baby C went down for his nap I got all ready to leave to go running and of course, what should happen right as I'm walking out the door?? You guessed it, A Bear had to go not to his client but to downtown. Uhhh, I guess I should've been ready for it, but I just wasn't. I was bummed, for so many reasons. So he got ready and took off and in the meantime baby C woke up early from his nap. Not good, not good. So this means he is tired again soon and doesn't take his afternoon nap at his normal time which means no nap for mama. He started getting super fussy early evening, I was going stir crazy in the house and decided that was enough. I got dressed, bundled up baby C, put him in the jogging stroller (with two almost flat tires) and we headed out. It felt good to get out, super windy, making pushing a stroller difficult, but we pushed through 5 miles. Baby C got a nap, I got some exercise, and Josie gave me a look of ultimate betrayal for leaving her behind. Everyone, except Josie, was much happier when we got back. The night went smoothly, baby C went down great for bed, and I felt so much better. Some days you just have to get out there no matter how many things are working against you.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 16

I can't believe it, its just two weeks away. My marathon that I have been training for for 16 weeks is now just days away. I feel like I can start saying it in terms of how many days I have left. I finished up strong and now I just have one more Saturday run and then its marathon time. Today I finished up the week with a 12 mile run and I felt great. I kept good pace, about 8:20 min/mile. I did the first 5 with Josie and she had a blast. I have enjoyed running with her in the snow so much. Yesterday we got so much snow it was crazy and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go out running in it but Josie was so excited that I just had to take her and she had a blast. She just busts through the powder and loves it. Plus she can get a drink whenever her little heart desires. I had such a good time with her. Then I did the next almost 7 on my own and I felt great and knew I was keeping a good pace. I wasn't sure if I would ever get my legs back after last week so it was nice to feel like they are back. And I shouldn't lose them again until the marathon. Today's run brought my weekly total up to 25 miles and one day of cross train. I ended up only not running one day this week which is much better than I thought I would do after barely being able to walk on Sunday and Monday. It was cold and a little windy today but nothing can compare to last week so it felt good to me.
A Bear is starting to get excited about his race too and working on getting a good pair of shoes for the big day. I just think it is going to be so much fun for us to both be doing our races on the same day. I just think its so adorable how hard he is working on his training and wanting to find a good pair of shoes. Alright well, 16 weeks down and just 2 baby weeks to go!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Winter Wonderland

That is what we ran in this morning. We woke up to the earth being covered with a blanket of snow. I could hardly believe it! Where is my Texas? It has been so crazy to have this cold weather. I thought it would be fun for Josie to go out and run in the snow and so we headed out for a slow 5 mile run. I was so worried that I would slip and fall but I stayed on both feet and Josie was very good. She had a lot of fun running through the white powder and I couldn't help but laugh when she would pee in the snow and it would melt away. I loved seeing our footprints leaving their mark and as we were returning home I loved seeing children running through the streets throwing snowballs. As soon as I got back I had A Bear take a picture of us running and then of Baby C playing in the snow. Of course it was too cold to keep him out very long but we had fun. Then Josie and A Bear just ran around in the back yard, she was apparently not as worn out as I was after 5 miles. I tell you this girl is made of steel.

This week has been tough coming back from my 22 mile run and 42 mile week. I was still very sore on Monday morning and decided to take the day off and then on Tuesday I still didn't feel quite up to it. So I just cross trained and felt good, better than I thought I would. My shins seem to have greatly appreciated the rest and haven't been bothering me since I started running again yesterday. I did 4 miles yesterday and felt pretty good, it mostly just felt good to be out running again. I have felt slow but enjoyed being out running. I didn't know if I would get back into it after the disaster that was 22 miles but I'm starting to feel my motivation coming back to me. But this cold, cold weather is not helping. Nor is the ice and snow that we are expecting for the next couple of days. I just have to keep my telling myself that I am nearing the finish line. I got a new running hoodie and so hopefully that will help too. :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 15

Never in my life have I done a harder run, never. My 22 mile run yesterday was so exhausting, I just didn't know I could feel like that. It was a cold and very windy day and I had to run about 6 or 7 miles straight into that wind on a wide open road. I just kept promising myself with every step that it would get better and then it never did. I, of course, didn't wear gloves because I thought that it would warm up instead of get colder as the day progressed and I thought my little hands were going to freeze off. They got so numb that when I got to one of my water stops I couldn't open the water bottle. I had to go behind a sign, stick my hand up my shirt for awhile and wait for some feeling to come back. I'm not sure exactly why I did the whole 22 miles since I was so miserable, but I did. I did it, 22 whole miles and I did it at about an 8:38 min/mile pace. Actually that is not that slow even though I felt like I was moving soooo slow. It was just a hard run, I did several miles uphill and then with the wind, so I just keep telling myself that there is no way that my marathon will be that rough of conditions right?? I mean I just have to hope that it won't be windy and that maybe the sun will make an appearance. This Texas weather has just 3 weeks to warm up because it is cold and rainy with no sings of stopping.

The run did have its good times too. It started off well, I kept really good pace the first 9 miles or so and felt really good. I got a late start because Baby C slept in so it was nice to have plenty of time to eat and get ready. But those last couple of miles i was rethinking the whole marathon thing, I mean if its windy and cold what will I do? I know how horrible it will be! I walked in the door and just wanted to fall on the ground crying (which I came pretty close to doing) but A Bear had to go to work right away and I had to immediately start taking care of the baby. I had to feed him and get him dressed and play with him. I didn't know if I could do it but it all worked out. I feel like this is my hardest post, where it sounds like I don't love running anymore... I do, I love what I'm doing and still love running, it was just a really hard run. And man are my legs feeling it today. I'll rest tomorrow and see if I can get some feeling back. But I am getting so close, just 3 little weeks away, just 2 more Saturday runs and then its game time. I can do it, I just need to push myself a little bit longer and then I'll be there and I just have to tell myself that it will be amazing. I have worked too hard for too long to give up now on the home stretch because i had such a difficult day. It was just one day of many days of running and I have had many, many more fabulous runs along the way. Just gotta keep going, 15 weeks down, 3 to go!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Worn Out

That's how I felt this morning on my run. It was like I was seriously forcing myself to put one foot in front of the other. I was so hungry and just felt weak. It was good to go out and get my three miles for the day done. Plus I didn't do anything else after I got back. I didn't do any ab work, I just stretched out and iced my shins. When I got back I was just so hungry, maybe I should eat more before I leave. I think since I pumped and fed baby C before I left that it kinda took more out of me than usual. Hopefully there will be time this afternoon for a nap because I have a very big day ahead of me tomorrow. I can't believe my 22 mile run is just one day away. What will I do if I feel like I did today tomorrow?? I mean I barely made it through 3 miles, 19 more, there's no way. I guess its just all about mentally preparing myself and physically preparing myself by eating more. I'm going to have pasta for dinner and then I'll make a late night snack and go to bed early. Then tomorrow morning I'll eat a banana and peanut butter and maybe part of an energy bar or something. I already have my GU, I just need to plan out my route and drop it off.

Josie was in good shape this morning, she is my motivation some days, seriously. I mean this morning after I finished feeding baby C I would've gladly just stayed cuddled in bed with my little family but there she was, sitting patiently, waiting to go. I just hate to let her down when I know how excited she gets to go running every morning. It sure is nice to have such a diligent running companion.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Moving downhill

That's how I feel now that I have my Wednesday run behind me, like I am finally moving downhill for the week. And after my long run on Saturday I will finally feel like I am moving downhill on this whole marathon training. After Saturday its just 3 weeks away, that doesn't sound so bad, does it? Today my run went well. Josie was in good shape today and still had a lot left in her to pick up pace of the end. Its weird because just today I was telling A Bear how I am getting run down and injuries are starting to provoke me, but Josie, she remains unphased. She never gets hurts, she doesn't have to ice anything and she's ready every morning for more. What is she doing differently from me? Well a few obvious answers, she is younger than me, an animal, and she is much stronger than me. But also, she rests all day if she needs to. She eats only healthy dog food that we give her (and occasional scraps she finds on the ground), I mean her treats are liver for goodness sakes. The girl is in impeccable shape. I think its good to take a few cues from her, more rest, eat healthy, no treats. Maybe then I wouldn't have aching shins and be icing my knees. Well its certainly something to think about...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back to the grind

Well I feel like I am getting back to normal again. Today I got up early to do some speed work. I did 4, one mile repeats at an 8 min/mile pace. I felt good and felt like I kept the same pace up for all 4 miles. I did an easy 4 miles yesterday and so I am off to a good start for the week. My shins are still bothering me some so I am going to be more diligent in icing them. I just have such better days when I get up and get my runs done with early. I know I need to be careful these last few weeks so that I stay injury free. I would be so disappointed if I went all this way only to get injured the last leg. I hope that alternating between my new shoes and my old shoes isn't affecting my legs, I know old shoes can be a major injury causer in shins and knees.
I've been reading a lot in my running magazine this week trying to get motivated to push myself these last 4 weeks. I know that if I can make it through this week then I'll make it to the end, I just need to keep reminding myself that. At night when I go to sleep I just keep thinking, 22 miles...22 miles... Well at least I have The Biggest Loser to look forward to tonight, that always gets me motivated. :)