This is how I felt today. I just had to get out. It wasn't convenient, it wasn't the weather, it wasn't a good time but I just needed to go. The day started out innocent enough. A Bear was supposed to be working from home since he just needed to file some forms today so when baby C woke up early I just decided to let him sleep in figuring I could just go running later. So when baby C went down for his nap I got all ready to leave to go running and of course, what should happen right as I'm walking out the door?? You guessed it, A Bear had to go not to his client but to downtown. Uhhh, I guess I should've been ready for it, but I just wasn't. I was bummed, for so many reasons. So he got ready and took off and in the meantime baby C woke up early from his nap. Not good, not good. So this means he is tired again soon and doesn't take his afternoon nap at his normal time which means no nap for mama. He started getting super fussy early evening, I was going stir crazy in the house and decided that was enough. I got dressed, bundled up baby C, put him in the jogging stroller (with two almost flat tires) and we headed out. It felt good to get out, super windy, making pushing a stroller difficult, but we pushed through 5 miles. Baby C got a nap, I got some exercise, and Josie gave me a look of ultimate betrayal for leaving her behind. Everyone, except Josie, was much happier when we got back. The night went smoothly, baby C went down great for bed, and I felt so much better. Some days you just have to get out there no matter how many things are working against you.
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