Phew, I made it through week 13, my toughest week so far. I actually did my long 20 mile run yesterday so that we could run in a 5K today. I was tired during the 5K but felt surprisingly well. I mean that doesn't mean that I didn't take a 2 hour nap this afternoon and go to sleep early but it went well. I ran the 20 mile run in about 2 hours and 50 minutes, which meant an 8:27 ish min/mile. I felt good, I really did. I had 3 water breaks and GU stops and that really kept me going. I got thirsty around mile 18 but I'll remember that for next time. I did some hills on this run which was good for me to do and get some practice in. The weather was fabulous and so that helped a ton. I was so happy to get it done because the weather today has not been so great. My weekly total is 40 miles! That is a big jump since I usually only do about 30 a week. I tried to stretch out for awhile on Friday and today so hopefully that will help with the tired muscles. I can't believe I made it through the 20 mile run, it just hung over me all week. It is so nice to have it done with. I can do 6 more miles right? Its just 6 miles, after 20 it shouldn't be that bad. It will be nice to have a recovery week to look forward to get back into it. In two weeks I'm scheduled for a 22 mile run. I'm not sure if I'll do the whole thing but we'll see. I am getting ready for this thing to come!

Today we ran a 5K benefit run and had such a fun time. A Bear did great and ran the whole thing. He really enjoyed it and is talking about running another one at my marathon and doing a triathlon this summer. It is fun to see him excited about it and it makes me more excited about my marathon thinking that he will be working hard for a race the same day. We figure he can still come and meet me several times during the race and run the 5K. I feel so guilty that we didn't take Josie with us on the run, she would've loved it and been the most in shape dog there, but we were worried she would go crazy with all the people. We could tell that she could smell the betrayal on us when we got home. I thought we would push Baby C in the stroller but my mom ended up keeping him for us. It was fun to having a running partner and to race each other to the finish line. I could get used to this...very used to this. :) 5 weeks to go!