Monday, January 25, 2010

One of those days

Today was one of those days, you know, where everything is just crazy and you end the day exhausted. It started off with Baby C waking up early and me never going back to sleep. Followed by a rough day for the babe. He just couldn't nap very long and never really gave me much of a break. So I head out to go running and at this point, Baby C is wide awake with my husband, and I take Josie. We start out on a cold morning and I'm thinking, "man I did not dress warmly enough." I have been so spoiled with warm weather lately. Then about a quarter of a mile into it Josie spots a rabbit and she's off. Well no big deal right, that happens everyday, several times. Well she some how wrapped her leash around the tire of a SUV in a driveway and got it stuck under there. I climbed under the car, I pulled with everything I had, I could not get it out. I probably made it worse. I tried for about five minutes before realizing it wasn't coming. There were no lights on in the house and I didn't want to wake anyone up so I just grabbed Josie and walked her home. I was so upset when I got back and A Bear was nice enough to tell me to still go out for about 30 minutes. So I settled for a 3 mile jog and got my bearing back. I went back by the house and no one looked awake still and then when I drove by this afternoon the car and leash were gone. I'm not sure exactly what house it is but hopefully I can find the people who live there and see if they know anything about our leash. Days just don't go as well when Josie doesn't get her run and everything. Mondays, mondays, always playing harsh games with me...

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