Oh week 11, you started out okay, got colder and colder, and ended up not so great. The cold weather and sickness running around caught up with me by Friday and on Saturday I was in no shape for 18 miles. I did manage to do 6 and half or so on a treadmill but I didn't feel good during the run and I felt awful after. Friday morning I woke up with a bit of a sore throat and decided I could still do my 3 mile run outside (since I had already cross trained 2 days this week). Probably not a good idea with the wind chill making it feel in the negative degrees. I bundled up and felt okay everywhere there were layers but my face got so cold and my throat burned the rest of the day and weekend. I am still recovering some from the illness and won't run today. I'm hoping to be able to go out and do a run tomorrow morning. Luckily this is a recovery week for me according to my schedule and while I didn't do my 18 mile run this week, I did get a 17 miler in last week so hopefully my training won't suffer horribly. I think I will stick to my plan and just do 13 this Saturday, maybe 15 if I feel like it because next week I have that 20 mile run looming over my head. So this week I only ran 18 miles, less miles than even week 1 of training. I guess it happens to us all. I'm just ready to put this week behind me and focus on the next 7!
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