I have been having a hard time adjusting back to our normal schedules this week. So has Baby C but we are making it through. I finally feel like today the house is in order and I'm not overwhelmed about needing to get anything done. It has been hard to wake up early in the morning and leave my nice, warm bed. Plus with all the waking up at night and the little early riser we have this week it has made it even tougher. And lets talk about unbelievably cold weather! With the wind chill we are in the negative degrees. How am I supposed to work with this? The treadmill is not an option for me since, well, I don't have one but man I have a feeling tomorrow morning I am going to really wish that I did. You can only wear so many layers. I have cross trained 2 x this week already. I did get my run in on Monday morning and it went well. I hadn't run since last Thursday so I felt a little slow but it went well and then yesterday I did 5 miles. Josie has been fast but there seems to be way more rabbits out and about lately. It felt good to do some strength training these 2 x this week but I know I've got to brave the cold and get out there. When I was feeding Baby C this morning at like 1 I could just hear the wind howling, daring me to come outside. I have a big run this Saturday, I'm supposed to do 18 miles and I am hoping that it won't be too horribly cold.... I guess I could switch my runs and do less this week and more next week. I don't think that is a good idea though since I have a 20 mile run the week after that. I need to go and get back on weather.com and see if they have any better news than they did a few hours ago. :)
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