Never in my life have I done a harder run, never. My 22 mile run yesterday was so exhausting, I just didn't know I could feel like that. It was a cold and very windy day and I had to run about 6 or 7 miles straight into that wind on a wide open road. I just kept promising myself with every step that it would get better and then it never did. I, of course, didn't wear gloves because I thought that it would warm up instead of get colder as the day progressed and I thought my little hands were going to freeze off. They got so numb that when I got to one of my water stops I couldn't open the water bottle. I had to go behind a sign, stick my hand up my shirt for awhile and wait for some feeling to come back. I'm not sure exactly why I did the whole 22 miles since I was so miserable, but I did. I did it, 22 whole miles and I did it at about an 8:38 min/mile pace. Actually that is not that slow even though I felt like I was moving soooo slow. It was just a hard run, I did several miles uphill and then with the wind, so I just keep telling myself that there is no way that my marathon will be that rough of conditions right?? I mean I just have to hope that it won't be windy and that maybe the sun will make an appearance. This Texas weather has just 3 weeks to warm up because it is cold and rainy with no sings of stopping.
The run did have its good times too. It started off well, I kept really good pace the first 9 miles or so and felt really good. I got a late start because Baby C slept in so it was nice to have plenty of time to eat and get ready. But those last couple of miles i was rethinking the whole marathon thing, I mean if its windy and cold what will I do? I know how horrible it will be! I walked in the door and just wanted to fall on the ground crying (which I came pretty close to doing) but A Bear had to go to work right away and I had to immediately start taking care of the baby. I had to feed him and get him dressed and play with him. I didn't know if I could do it but it all worked out. I feel like this is my hardest post, where it sounds like I don't love running anymore... I do, I love what I'm doing and still love running, it was just a really hard run. And man are my legs feeling it today. I'll rest tomorrow and see if I can get some feeling back. But I am getting so close, just 3 little weeks away, just 2 more Saturday runs and then its game time. I can do it, I just need to push myself a little bit longer and then I'll be there and I just have to tell myself that it will be amazing. I have worked too hard for too long to give up now on the home stretch because i had such a difficult day. It was just one day of many days of running and I have had many, many more fabulous runs along the way. Just gotta keep going, 15 weeks down, 3 to go!